What to Talk About in Therapy When You Have Nothing to Say

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October 6, 2022

What to Talk About in Therapy When You Have Nothing to Say


You’ve started meeting with a therapist, and it’s been going great so far. You’ve felt supported in the therapeutic relationship, unpacked some of the issues you’ve been facing, and created some great strategies to help you feel better.


In fact, you may feel so much better that you have no idea what to talk about in your next therapy session. Is it still worth going?


Here at KMA, we’ve spent the last 14 years ensuring that our clients have a transformative experience throughout their time in therapy. We’re here to help you learn how to get the most out of every session.


By the end of this article, you’ll have three prompts to help you find something to talk about in therapy – you probably have more to say than you realize!

Three New Questions to Answer in Therapy

What to talk about in therapy when you don't know what to say: Understand what's going well, reflect on your progress, and explore new topics

1. What Went Well This Week?


Therapy isn’t only for resolving problems – it’s also for building strengths. 

If you had a great week, that’s great! Try talking to your therapist about what went well, and how you can continue to build these positive experiences.


If you need help getting started, try answering these questions:

  • What was the highlight of your week? What did you enjoy about this experience?
  • Did you try anything for the first time this week? What did you learn about yourself?
  • Did you get to see any friends or family members? What makes these relationships a source of positivity in your life?


Keeping a journal can help you to reflect on your week, and remember small details you may otherwise forget to discuss.


2. What Progress Have You Made So Far, and What Would You Still Like to Accomplish?


If you’ve been attending therapy for a while, it can be hard to recall the details of your progress.


It may be worthwhile to have a conversation about the goals you’ve already met in therapy, and what you’d still like to achieve.


Try reflecting on:

  • The goals you had before coming to therapy
  • What progress you’ve made on your initial goals
  • What led you to seek out therapy in the first place
  • Any areas of your life that you think could be improved
  • Any new goals that you may have discovered during the therapy process

Remaining goal-oriented throughout the therapy process may help you to track your progress, and maintain accountability for any between-session homework tasks you may have.


3. Are There New Topics You May Like to Explore?


Maybe you initially started going to therapy to deal with feelings of anxiety, and have made great progress in managing your symptoms.


What else might you like to cover in therapy?


Oftentimes, once we uncover the solutions to our initial problems, we discover more areas of our life that we’d like to explore.


Some examples of new topics to discover in therapy include:

  • Recalling early childhood experiences and healing your inner child
  • Exploring your attachment style and how you behave in relationships
  • Revisiting any negative memories you have that still bother you, and exploring how to release your attachment to them


Your therapist may also have some insight on topics that could be helpful for you to discuss based on what they’ve observed during your sessions.

Next Steps to Get More Out of Therapy


After reading this article, you now know three new topics to explore when you aren’t sure what to talk about in therapy.


Here at KMA, we’re passionate about helping you make the most out of your therapy experience. If you’re interested in seeing a therapist on our team, we’ll set up a 50-minute introductory call to help you find your best fit.


Register online or connect with our team for more information.


If you’re not yet ready to book an introductory appointment, read these resources for more information:


Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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