5 Signs Your Mental Health is Improving

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Published Date|
May 9, 2023

5 Signs Your Mental Health is Improving


We often hear about the warning signs of mental health issues and read lists of things to be wary of.


But you deserve to recognize when you’re making progress, too.


Here at KMA Therapy, we’re here to help you thrive in your life and relationships. For over 14 years, we’ve helped our clients overcome their challenges and keep track of their wins.


After reading this article, you’ll know five ways to recognize that you’re making progress in your mental health journey.


5 Positive Signs Your Mental Health is Healing


Looking for these signs can help you recognize areas where you’re making progress in life and celebrate how far you’ve come on your healing journey.


1. You Have More Energy


When your mental health improves, you’ll often have more energy to spend on the things you enjoy.


For example, when you’re experiencing a lot of anxiety, it can be easy to dedicate most of your mental energy to anticipating negative events that haven’t happened yet.


Similarly, experiencing depression can cause tasks like getting out of bed in the morning to take up much more of your energy than they usually would.


Beginning to feel more energized and re-incorporating activities you used to enjoy into your daily routine is a great indication that your mental health is on the mend.


2. You’re Excited About the Future


When you’re struggling with your mental health, you might tend to focus on just making it through the day. You might find yourself living in survival mode, doing just enough to make it to tomorrow.


When your mental health begins to improve, you might find yourself feeling excited for the future. You’re ready to do more than just survive – you’re ready to create meaningful, exciting plans.


3. You’re More Connected to Your Emotions


A lot of us disconnect from our emotions when they become overwhelming.


When you’re not in an environment where you feel safe to process difficult emotions, you’ll protect yourself by dismissing them instead.

signs mental health is improving healing


When you’ve been working toward healing, heavy emotions may begin to come back to the surface – especially if you’re working with a therapist.


This can feel alarming at first – isn’t therapy supposed to make you feel better?


In reality, this is a sign that you’re finally ready to process challenging experiences and reconnect to your full range of emotions. While it may be uncomfortable, being able to fully feel your emotions is a sure sign of healing.


4. Your Mental Health Symptoms are Having Less of an Impact


Healing isn’t a linear journey; you may have mental health symptoms that continue throughout your life.


But if your symptoms are beginning to have less of an impact on your daily life, this is a great sign.


Maybe you still feel anxious taking public transportation – but your anxiety no longer stops you from getting on the subway. You might always carry some grief with you – but it no longer stops you from getting out of bed in the morning.


Everyone experiences difficult emotions and it’s okay if don’t ever feel “one hundred percent healed.”


5. You’re More Easily Able to Overcome Challenges That Used to Really Disrupt Your Life


No matter how much you heal, life will always continue to throw unexpected curveballs at you.


You can often recognize that you’re healing by observing how you respond to life’s new challenges.


Maybe you used to be the kind of person who would absolutely spiral when they went through a breakup. But you’ve just gotten out of a relationship and realized that even though you’re sad, you’ll be okay.


Responding to challenges in new ways is an amazing sign of the progress and growth that you’ve made. And it’s something to be incredibly proud of.


Take the Next Step on Your Healing Journey

After reading this article, you know five ways to recognize that your mental health is improving.


Here at KMA Therapy, we’re here to be your partners in healing. For over 14 years, our caring team has walked side-by-side with our clients as they navigate their mental health journeys.


Book an appointment today or connect with our caring team to learn more.


If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, check out these articles to keep learning:


Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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