How To Use Fun Psychological Tools To Your Advantage!
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get what they want in any situation?
They seem to be given more opportunities by others, stay more memorable in others' eyes, and are even given more chances to succeed. I've spent my life studying psychology, and have learned that this is no coincidence! There's something these people are doing that fives them the advantage - and I'm going to give you a head start!
1. The Loyal Friend Effect
Put a picture of a cute dog by your desk at work. Studies prove that people who are associated with canines are perceived to be more loyal and trustworthy. But remember: limit it to one picture - too many pictures of furry friends will lead to the perception that you are a less professional worker.
2. The "Clean Up" Effect
The scent of cleaning products is proven to make people clean more. If your kids, spouse, or roommate aren't helping out around the house, spray some Lysol and watch them spring into action.
3. The Ziegarnik Effect
People are more likely to remember stories and situations that are unresolved. For example, waiters and waitresses tend to remember orders better if they are unpaid. At your next social gathering, don't tell your whole life story: leave some key details out that leave people wanting more! You'll know that you've stayed on their mind when at the next event, they immediately seek you out to resume your conversation.
4.Door in the Face Effect
If there's something you want, it's best to ask for something even bigger and more elaborate before asking for what you really want. What you want will seem small in comparison, and you'll more likely get a yes. For example, if you want your parents-in-law to take the kids for one night, start by asking for the full weekend - you're much more likely to get a 'yes' for the night you're looking for.
5. The Mirror Effect
If you want someone to like you, always mirror their actions and mannerisms. For example, if they speak in a soft voice, do the same. If they giggle, do the same. Even if you don't think the conversation is going well, the other person will think it's going very well. In addition, asking lots of questions and practicing the art of listening is proven to improve the other's perception of you!