Love or attachment? How to Tell the Difference Between Love or Limerance

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August 20, 2024

Love or attachment? How to Tell the Difference Between Love or Limerance

Have you ever found yourself head over heels for someone, only to wonder if your feelings are genuine love or attachment in a potentially fleeting infatuation? Love often feels like a cozy, long-term embrace, offering comfort and stability, while limerence is more like a roller coaster of intense emotions and idealized fantasies.

Love or attachment thrives on mutual growth and support.

Understanding the difference is vital to building solid and lasting relationships. By recognizing whether your feelings are grounded in genuine love or attachment driven by the excitement of limerence, you can better navigate your romantic life and work towards relationships that are not only thrilling but also deep and enduring.

At KMA Therapy, we understand that distinguishing between true love and limerence can be challenging. In this guide, we’ll explore the hallmarks of love and limerence, helping you identify what’s truly at the heart of your emotions.

How Can We Classify Love?

Imagine love as a sturdy oak tree-strong, deeply rooted, growing steadily over time. Genuine love isn’t just about those heart-fluttering moments or grand romantic gestures; it’s about the everyday commitment and support that build a solid foundation.

True love brings a sense of emotional security, allowing you to feel calm and confident that you and your partner are in it together, no matter what challenges arise. It means feeling assured that your bond is reliable and enduring, even during life’s storms.

Mutual support is another cornerstone of love. It’s not just about celebrating each other’s successes but also standing by each other through the tough times. Respect and acceptance play a crucial role too. In a loving relationship, you embrace each other’s quirks and flaws while supporting personal growth and aspirations.

What Makes Limmerance So Different?

Limerence is like being on an emotional roller coaster - thrilling, but often unpredictable and intense. It’s that all-consuming infatuation where you can’t help but think about someone constantly, analyzing every interaction and gesture with obsessive precision. 

You might find yourself replaying conversations and interpreting their actions in a way that feels overwhelmingly significant, even if the reality is more mundane. This constant preoccupation can make you feel like you’re living in a dream, where everything about the person seems perfect.

The emotional highs and lows of limerence can be pretty dramatic. A single text from the person can brighten your entire day, while their silence can lead to deep frustration and uncertainty. This roller coaster effect is tied to the person's idealization- you view them through rose-colored glasses, ignoring potential flaws and focusing only on their perceived perfection.

How to Recognize Love vs. Limerence in Your Relationship

Love is a deep, enduring connection based on mutual respect, trust, and affection, while limerence is an intense, obsessive infatuation driven by longing and idealization. Love grows stronger with time, fostering emotional security, whereas limerence often fades, leaving behind feelings of emptiness. Here are the recognized love vs. limerence in your relationship.

Signs You’re Experiencing Love 💖

  • Consistency in Emotions: Your feelings remain steady over time, even when faced with challenges. You experience a deep sense of trust and security in the relationship, knowing that you and your partner are committed to each other regardless of life’s ups and downs.
  • Supportive Behavior: Both you and your partner actively support each other’s dreams and aspirations. Whether celebrating achievements or helping each other through tough times, you work together to navigate life’s hurdles, showing mutual respect and encouragement.
  • Future Planning: Conversations about the future are a regular part of your relationship. You both envision a life together, discussing long-term goals and planning for events that will affect both of you. This shared vision reflects a commitment to building a future together.

Signs You Might Be Dealing with Limerence 🔍

  • Obsessive Thinking: You find yourself preoccupied with thoughts of the person, replaying every interaction and interpreting their actions with obsessive detail. Your mood swings dramatically based on their level of attention, leaving you feeling elated or distressed depending on their responses.
  • Idealization: You see the person through an idealized lens, focusing on their perceived perfection while overlooking any flaws or potential issues. This idealization often leads to unrealistic expectations and prevents a genuine understanding of who they truly are.
  • Immediate Gratification: Your happiness is closely tied to their immediate responses and actions. A simple message or gesture from them can make your day, while their lack of response can lead to frustration or anxiety. This focus on immediate rewards can overshadow the development of a deeper, more stable connection.

How to Move from Limerence to Love

Transitioning from limerence to a genuine, healthy relationship involves several key steps. By focusing on understanding each other profoundly and building a solid foundation, you can shift from the intense but often fleeting feelings of limerence to a more stable and lasting love. Here’s how you can make that shift:

Get to Know Them Better 🕰️

The first step in moving from limerence to genuine love is to get to know your partner truly. Spend time together in various settings, from casual outings to more structured activities, to see how they handle different situations. This broader exposure helps you move beyond the idealized image you might have created and start appreciating the person for who they are. 

Set Realistic Expectations 🌟

It’s essential to set realistic expectations for your relationship. Limerence often involves seeing your partner through rose-colored glasses, focusing solely on their idealized traits while ignoring their flaws. Accept that no one is perfect, including your partner. Shift your focus from the fantasy of who you want them to be to who they are. This shift helps you appreciate their real qualities and fosters a relationship built on genuine understanding rather than unrealistic ideals.

Communicate Openly 🗣️

Open and honest communication is crucial for grounding your relationship in reality. Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns with your partner, and encourage them to do the same. Effective communication helps you align your expectations and understand each other’s needs and perspectives. This transparency strengthens your bond and builds trust and mutual respect, which is essential for a lasting relationship.

Love or Limerence Real love develops gradually, so patience is key.

Build Trust 🔒

Trust is the cornerstone of a solid and enduring relationship. Focus on being reliable and consistent, demonstrating that you can be counted on through good times and challenges. Building trust involves being transparent, keeping promises, and showing support. Trust is built over time through repeated actions that reinforce your commitment and reliability, creating a solid foundation for your relationship.

Encourage Each Other 💪

Supporting each other’s personal and professional growth is vital to a healthy relationship. Celebrate your partner’s achievements and offer encouragement during difficult times. Mutual support strengthens your bond and fosters individual growth, helping both partners feel valued and understood. This encouragement can create a more balanced and fulfilling relationship where both partners contribute to each other’s well-being and success.

If you’re looking for tailored support, our team at KMA Therapy is here to help. We specialize in couples therapy to strengthen your relationship, whether you’re dealing with love or limerence. Let us guide you toward a more fulfilling connection. 

Be Patient ⏳

Real love develops gradually, so patience is key. Allow your relationship to evolve naturally and focus on nurturing your connection over time. Avoid rushing the process or setting unrealistic timelines for your relationship. By giving your connection the time it needs to grow, you build a foundation that can endure and adapt to the changes that come with a long-term partnership.

Develop Shared Interests 🎯

Finding common ground through shared interests and activities can deepen your connection. Engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy provides opportunities for quality time and strengthens your bond. Shared experiences help create lasting memories and foster a sense of partnership and collaboration.

Practice Forgiveness 🤝

Conflicts and misunderstandings are a natural part of any relationship. Working through these issues with empathy and forgiveness helps maintain a healthy relationship dynamic. Instead of letting resentment build, address conflicts openly and work towards resolution. This practice of forgiveness helps sustain a supportive and loving relationship.

Seek Professional Guidance 🧠

If transitioning from limerence to a more profound connection feels challenging, consider seeking help from a relationship therapist. Professional guidance can offer valuable insights and strategies to help you navigate feelings and build a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

Applying these strategies allows you to move from the exhilarating but unstable feelings of limerence to a more profound, lasting love. Building a relationship based on understanding, trust, and mutual support lays the groundwork for a fulfilling and enduring partnership.

Differences Between Love and Limerence

Regarding love versus limerence, the differences are crucial in understanding how each affects your emotional well-being and relationship dynamics. Let’s delve into these distinctions in detail:

1. Are you feeling a little too “obsessed?” 🧠

Emotional stability is the bedrock of a loving relationship. You and your partner feel grounded and secure, trusting that you’re both committed to each other through thick and thin. Love creates a consistent calm amid life’s inevitable ups and downs. On the other hand, limerence often brings about an obsessive focus. Your emotional state highly depends on the other person’s actions or responses. 

2. Is it the person you like, or the idea of them?  🌱

Love thrives on mutual growth and support. It involves working together to achieve shared goals, celebrating each other’s successes, and supporting personal development. In a loving relationship, you contribute to each other’s growth, fostering a partnership built on fundamental understanding and shared ambitions. In contrast, limerence revolves around idealizing the other person. Idealization prevents a genuine connection and mutual growth, as the relationship is more about fantasy than reality.

3. Are you in it for the long-haul? 🎯

Love is future-oriented, investing in building a life together and planning for the long haul. You envision a lasting partnership, working towards long-term goals and dreams as a team. This forward-looking perspective helps in creating a stable, enduring relationship. Limerence, however, is characterized by its focus on immediate excitement and intense emotions. The connection feels like a thrilling adventure, but it often lacks the stability needed for a lasting relationship. 

4. Is there a need you’re aiming to satisfy? 🤝

Love is selfless, focusing on the partner's well-being and happiness. It involves giving, compromising, and working together for the relationship's good. In contrast, limerence can be self-centered, driven by a desire to satisfy one’s own emotional needs and fantasies, sometimes without fully considering the other person’s feelings or the reality of the situation.

5. Are you growing, or stagnating with your crush? 🌿

Love encourages growth, both individually and as a couple. It involves navigating challenges, learning from experiences, and evolving as partners. Limerence, however, often leads to emotional stagnation, where the focus is on maintaining the intensity of feelings rather than on growing the relationship or developing a deeper bond.


6. Another form of obsession! 😳💭

Love is grounded in mutual respect, where both partners value each other’s opinions, feelings, and autonomy. Conversely, limerence can lead to obsession, where one person may become overly fixated on the other, often ignoring personal boundaries or the reality of the situation. At KMA Therapy, we're here to walk with you on your healing journey, offering guidance and support at every turn.

Love vs Limerence is like being on an emotional roller coaster-thrilling but often unpredictable and intense.

7. Are you in it for the highs, but avoiding the lows? 🌟

Love is about a sustained, steady connection that provides a sense of fulfillment and contentment. Limerence is marked by emotional highs and lows, with intense joy when things are going well and deep despair when there’s a perceived threat to the relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can limerence develop into true love?

Yes, limerence can evolve into true love with time, mutual understanding, and effort from both partners. The key is to move beyond the initial infatuation and build a more stable connection that involves trust, respect, and shared values.

How can I tell if my feelings are limerence or love?

If your feelings are characterized by intense, obsessive thoughts, constant daydreaming, and idealizing the person, you're likely experiencing limerence. Love, in contrast, is more balanced and involves a steady, supportive connection where both partners accept each other’s flaws and work together to grow.

Is experiencing limerence a bad thing?

Not necessarily. Limerence is a normal part of the early stages of attraction and can be exciting. However, it's essential to recognize what it is and understand that it might not lead to a long-lasting relationship unless both partners are willing to work to build something more substantial.

How long does limerence typically last?

Limerence can last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years. It often fades as the relationship matures, reality sets in, or when one or both partners realize that the intense emotions aren't sustainable in the long term.

What should I do if I think I’m in limerence?

If you think you're experiencing limerence, take some time to reflect on your feelings and the relationship. Focus on getting to know the person as they are rather than through the lens of idealization. Work on building a realistic, supportive relationship based on mutual respect and understanding rather than being swept away by intense emotions.


Understanding love and limerence can help you navigate your romantic relationships more effectively. While love provides a steady, supportive foundation, limerence often brings intense but fleeting emotions. At KMA Therapy, we encourage you to reflect on your relationships and consider whether you’re experiencing love or limerence. Taking the time to understand your feelings can lead to more fulfilling connections and personal growth.

Support Through Online Therapy at KMA

Are you ready to deepen your understanding of your relationship? Register online for your first couples therapy session with us today. Take our Therapy 101 quiz to discover how we can guide you through the complexities of love vs. limerence and help you build a stronger connection. At KMA Therapy, we're committed to supporting you every step of the way!

Author |
Haseena Baig
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