Why is it so Hard to Find a Good Therapist?

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March 2, 2024

Why is it so Hard to Find a Good Therapist?

You’ve been researching for weeks, scouring reviews, and asking for recommendations. But it seems like there are no good therapists left who can help you.

Here at KMA Therapy, we know it can be hard and frustrating to find a good therapist. We also know that what makes a therapist good for one person can make them the wrong fit for someone else.

For over 15 years, we’ve matched our clients with therapists who are best suited to their needs, and we’re passionate about teaching you how to find a therapist who will be a great fit for you.

After reading this article, you’ll know five common reasons why you might struggle to find a good therapist and the solutions you need to overcome them.

5 Reasons it Can Be Hard to Find a Good Therapist

Finding a good therapist can be hard, but with the right solutions, you can find a therapist who will be a great match for you.

reasons you cant find a good therapist

1. Budget and insurance

Therapy is expensive. In Ontario, therapy prices can range from $50 to $300 per session, which can add up quickly.

If you have a tighter budget for therapy, it can feel like you won’t be able to make enough progress for therapy to be worth it.

Still, there are affordable therapy options available - they just might take a bit longer to find.

The solution: Get clear about your budget before starting therapy. If you have a limited budget, consider going to a therapy practice that supervises students - they often offer much lower rates to have therapy with a supervised therapy student. You can also explore sliding-scale therapy options.

Also, make sure that the clinic or therapist takes your insurance before you do any paid sessions with them or give them your payment information - you don’t want to be stuck with a bill you weren’t expecting to pay out-of-pocket.

2. Limited availability

There is a lot of demand for therapy right now, and a limited number of therapists who will be the right fit for you.

It can be hard to find the right therapist, and it can be discouraging when you find someone great - only to realize that they aren’t accepting new clients.

Solution: Don’t be afraid to put your name down on waitlists - you never know when a spot can open up. Additionally, if you’re interested in seeing a therapist who works at a larger practice, reach out to the practice and see if they can recommend someone similar.

3. Unregulated “therapists”

Nowadays, it’s easy to scroll through social media and see dozens of people who claim to have the solutions to any mental health challenges you’re facing.

Sure, some influencers are also practising therapists who can offer valuable insights. But many others are simply giving their opinions without any credentials to back them up.

The term therapist isn’t regulated in Ontario, meaning people can technically call themselves therapists without being licensed to perform therapy.

The solution: While some mental health advice online can be helpful, it’s important to only seek out therapy from licensed therapists. Not only do they have the education and experience to help you, but they are also usually the only option to be covered by insurance.

Beware of people who charge high prices for coaching or mentoring sessions, and promise huge results using methods that aren’t researched or evidence-based.

4. Limited specialists

While therapists are qualified to help with a variety of issues, some of the best therapists are specialized in specific areas.

Some therapists offer specialized forms of therapy that require extra training, like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

Therapists should be passionate about continuing to advance their education, and seeing specialized therapists can be a great way to get the help you deserve.

The solution: When searching for therapists, be specific and be picky. Look for therapists who have a lot of experience supporting people with issues like the ones you’re facing and who have additional certifications to help you reach your therapy goals.

5. Good therapists who are a bad fit for you

Sometimes, you can find a therapist who looks perfect on paper. They have amazing reviews and credentials, and they’re experts in the issues you’re facing.

But once you meet them, something just doesn’t feel right. They’re hard for you to open up to and you feel like you don’t trust them.

This can leave you feeling discouraged, wondering whether they’re a bad therapist or therapy just won’t work for you. Thankfully, usually neither of these things are true.

Solution: A therapist can be great for other people while being the complete wrong fit for you. It’s okay to “shop around” when finding a therapist. Take advantage of therapy blogs and social media, reviews, and free consultations to feel out who will be the best fit for you.

Next Steps for Beginning Therapy

After reading this article, you know five solutions to the most common problems people have when finding the right therapist.

Here at KMA Therapy, we’re passionate about helping you get the support you deserve, whether you see a therapist in our practice or another great practice in Toronto.

Register online to book your introductory session today, or download our free Therapy 101 Guide to learn more.

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Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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