Mental Health Support Tips For Students In Toronto

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July 19, 2022

Mental Health Support Tips for Students In Toronto

Being a student can be one of the best times of your life – whether you’re emerging yourself in interesting classes, spending time with new friends, or joining clubs that you’re passionate about, there’s always something new to explore. But with all of this excitement, there can also come a lot of stress and pressure.


University and college students in Ontario are experiencing higher levels of mental health issues every year. This trend has existed since pre-COVID times and has even been worsened by the pandemic. 

Students in Canada have shared that they often:

  • Feel overwhelmed
  • Deal with high levels of anxiety
  • Experience symptoms of depression

We know that being a student can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Our experienced team at KMA understands that being a student can feel like a juggling act - it can feel impossible to balance all of the pieces of your life.

After reading this article, you'll have our top five tips to find mental health support as a student and set yourself up for success.

5 Tips for Supporting Your Mental Health as a Student

There are many mental health resources on campus and in the Toronto community, so don't be afraid to take advantage of them!

mental health support for students

1. Find an on-campus counsellor

Many universities and colleges offer complementary therapists and counsellors for students directly on campus. When you’re accessing your school’s resources, it can be helpful to know what type of help you’re looking for.


The type of support you need can vary depending on whether you’re looking for intensive counselling, access to medication, or simply need someone to talk to. It’s helpful to do some research ahead of time to make sure to know what type of therapist will fit your needs.

2. Research low-cost therapists for students in Toronto

If you have a specialized issue that you’d like support with, or you’d like more control while selecting your therapist, you may want to look beyond your school’s campus for therapy resources. While looking for therapists in the city, there are a few things to look into:


  • Do they offer discounted rates for students?
  • Do they have experience addressing university and college student issues?
  • Do they offer the kind of therapy that you’re interested in exploring?

Another cost-effective way to access therapy can be through an app – but make sure to look into its pros and cons to see if app-based therapy is right for you.

3. Explore what therapy is covered through your student insurance

Many students in Toronto are automatically signed up for their university or college’s health and wellness plan. Although your coverage will vary based on where you go to school, it can be helpful to explore what financial support is available to you. A great place to start is through your school’s Students’ Union website.


You may also be covered under a parent or guardian’s insurance plan. You can reach out to different therapy practices to see if their therapy services are covered by insurance. It’s important to find a therapist that fits not only your mental health needs but your financial needs as well.

4. Connect with others through peer support for students


Does your university or college have a Peer Support Group? Many campuses offer a variety of mental health and wellness programming beyond traditional counselling. Peer support and therapy groups provide a safe space to share your experiences with people who understand what you’re going through.


Some topics that might be addressed through peer support include:

  • Exam stress
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Peer support for BIPOC students
  • Peer support for LGBTQIA+ students


Be sure to check out your school’s website to see what they offer, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about what the experience will look like for you!


5. Find other ways to help your mental health


Between exams, social commitments, and extra-curricular activities, the student lifestyle will sometimes be overwhelming. But it’s important to recognize when your lifestyle is becoming too stressful.


Here are a few more ways to support your mental health as a student:

  • Practice mindfulness
  • Cook yourself healthy meals
  • Try a new exercise or fitness class


Ontario-based students may also have access to student-centred online resources, such as Good2Talk and Empower Me. These resources connect Ontario university students with on-demand support, provide virtual support options such as texting and video calling, and offer tips on how to manage the demands of student life.

Next Steps for Student Mental Health Support

After reading this article, you now have an understanding of five effective ways to support your mental health as a student.

We hope that these tips have set you up to take this step, and get the support that you deserve. Here at KMA, our dedicated team of therapists has a wide range of skills and experiences that can help you find the support that you need.

If you feel like our team could be a great fit for the kind of help that you need, please feel free to contact our team or register online for an introductory appointment.

If you're not yet ready to book an introductory appointment, check out these resources for more information:

About the Author

Emily Weatherhead has a Masters in Community Psychology from Wilfrid Laurier University, where her research focused on improving post-secondary student mental health. She is passionate about finding new ways to make mental health research more accessible and break down the barriers that prevent people from receiving mental health care.

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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