5 Signs You're Seeing the Wrong Therapist

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Published Date|
September 30, 2023

5 Signs You're Seeing the Wrong Therapist

When you decided to go to therapy, you wanted to get it right.

You did your research, found a fantastic therapist, and booked your first session.

But even though your therapist seemed perfect on paper, something just didn’t click when you met them in person.

Here at KMA Therapy, we’ve been matching our clients with amazing therapists for over 14 years. We know the signs of a great therapeutic relationship - and we also know how to recognize when it’s time to move on to someone different.

After reading this article, you’ll know five warning signs you’re seeing the wrong therapist.

5 Warning Signs You’re Seeing the Wrong Therapist for You

Even if your therapist is great, it’s normal for some sessions to be better than others.

But if you’re consistently experiencing these five things, it might be time to move on.

1. Your therapist stresses you out

One of the most common reasons to go to therapist is to reduce your stress and improve your mental well-being. The last thing you need is for your therapist to add even more stress.

Going to therapy should feel safe and your therapist’s office should feel like a supportive environment, where you can talk about your concerns without feeling overwhelmed.

If you leave your therapist’s office feeling more stressed out than when you entered, it’s definitely time to re-evaluate whether they’re the right fit for you.

2. Your therapist doesn’t listen to you

For therapy to be effective, your therapist needs to be an active and empathetic listener. They also need to understand how you communicate.

If you often feel like your therapist isn’t really hearing what you have to say, or even worse, if you feel like they’re dismissive your feelings, it can stop you from making any real progress.

The therapeutic relationship should be build on collaboration and communition. You deserve to feel heard and understood.

If communication is a challenge between you and your therapist, it might be time to find someone new.

signs your therapist isn't good

3. Your therapist makes you feel judged

One of the most basic elements of therapy is a non-judgemental approach. Your therapist should create a safe and accepting space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings.

If you feel like you need to censor yourself, or you feel like your therapist is criticizing you, it can make you feel hesitant to be honest about your feelings.

The right therapist will listen with an open and understanding perspective - they’ll never try to shame you or make you feel worse.

4. Your therapist isn’t helping you make progress

You might have a therapist who you really get along with. You can talk about anything together, and you honestly wish you could be friends outside of the therapy office.

But even though you really enjoy talking to them, you don’t feel like you’re seeing any positive changes in your life.

Sometimes, all it takes is an honest conversation with your therapist about your progress and the goals you have for the future.

But unless your therapist is helping you see meaningful change, a therapeutic relationship like this can end up being a waste of your time and money.

5. Your therapist talks way too much about theirself

Therapists will often share details about their personal life in order to help build rapport with you or help you understand a point they’re making.

But a good therapist has boundaries - they won’t share things that make you feel like you need to be the one supporting them.

If your therapist spends more time talking than you do, or focusing on their needs more than on yours, this is one of the biggest red flags of all.

Therapy isn’t like a friendship - it’s not supposed to be an equal give-and-take.

You deserve to have a therapist who is there to focus on you.

Next Steps for Finding a Great Therapist

After reading this article, you know five warning signs that it’s time to see a new therapist.

Here at KMA Therapy, we know how exhausting it can be to find the right therapist. We’re passionate about helping you find the right fit - so we’ve designed a specialized introductory session to match you with the best therapist for you.

Register online to get started on your therapy journey today.

If you’d prefer to keep reading, explore these articles to learn more:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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