5 Things to Remember When You Feel Like You're Not Good Enough

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July 22, 2023

5 Things to Remember When You Feel Like You're Not Good Enough

In a world where we have so much access to each other’s lives, it’s easy to feel like your life doesn’t measure up to what it could be.

Comparison, perfectionism, and self-criticism can be overwhelming to deal with - but you don’t have to deal with them alone.

Here at KMA Therapy, we know it’s hard when you feel like you’re not good enough. We’re passionate about helping you feel better and knowing how worthy you truly are.

After reading this article, you’ll know five ways to remember your worth and know that you’re good enough.

How to Feel Like You’re Enough

It’s easy to feel like you’re not good enough - but these five strategies can help you start to feel better.

5 Ways to Remember You’re Good Enough:

  1. Release perfectionism
  2. Remember you’re not alone
  3. Have some self-compassion
  4. Quit comparing yourself to others
  5. Let go of the past and forgive yourself

1. Release Perfectionism

When we were younger, figuring out ways to be “perfect” felt a lot more simple.

You could get a perfect score on your math tests. If you lost a point on your science final, it was easy to pinpoint your mistake and strive to be perfect the next time around.

It may not have been easy to achieve perfection, but it felt possible.

Even now, it’s tempting to try and hang on to the idea of being perfect.

You have TikTok filters that erase every flaw on your face to dating apps designed to show an idealized version of yourself.

But there is no way to live a perfect life - and releasing the pressure to be perfect can help you remember you’re good enough just as you are today.

It’s great to have goals and strive to achieve them - but if you set your sights on something unattainable, you’ll inevitably make yourself feel worse.

2. Remember You’re Not Alone

It’s easy to feel like everyone else has everything figured out, and you’re the only one straggling behind, trying to keep up.

You might be the last single one in your friend group, or you might be the only one in your family without a full-time job.

But the world is wider than we think, and even if you can’t see examples in front of you, you’re not the only person experiencing what you’re going through.

Connect with other people in similar situations by:

  • Reading relevant books
  • Listening to podcasts you relate to
  • Connecting with new people through social media

Realizing you’re not the only one who feels like they’re not enough is a great way to start to feel lighter about the things that are weighing you down.

3. Have Some Self-Compassion

Think about all the things that make you feel like you’re not good enough.

What’s making you feel insecure?

We often hear the phrase “treat others the way you want to be treated.” But do you treat yourself as well as you treat others?

Speaking to yourself the way you speak to a friend can help you remember that you’re human and it’s okay to make mistakes.

4. Quit Comparing Yourself to Others

You got promoted to an assistant manager position - but your friend just launched her own business.

You went on an amazing first date - but your brother just got engaged.

We all know that “comparison is the thief of joy” - but it goes beyond interfering with your happiness.

Comparison can interfere with your friendships, distort your perception of other people’s lives, and take a toll on your mental health.

You might see comparison as a way to motivate yourself. And sure, looking at other people’s lives can be a great way to explore what you want more of in your own life.

But using other people as a bench-mark will never work as well as using yourself.

Try looking at your own accomplishments instead - how far have you come in the past year?

5. Let Go of the Past and Forgive Yourself

Even the person you look up to the most has made mistakes in their life.

It’s okay to make mistakes - that’s how you learn and grow.

It’s okay to accept what happened and move on - you’re allowed to make mistakes and you’re allowed to forgive yourself.

Next Steps for Feeling Better

After reading this article, you know five ways to feel better when you’re feeling like you’re not good enough.

Here at KMA Therapy, we know that sometimes you need some extra support to build yourself up.

If you’re curious about how therapy could impact your life, please feel free to book an appointment or reach out to our caring team if you have questions!

We can’t wait to hear from you.

If you’d rather keep reading, check out these articles:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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