Five Creative Ways to Relax

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Published Date|
July 27, 2023

Five Creative Ways to Relax


You come home at the end of a bust work day, ready to relax and unwind.


You kick off your shoes, settle into your couch, and prepare to leave your stress behind.


The only problem is now that you have some free time, you have no idea what to do with it.


Here at KMA Therapy, we know that as great as your favourite Netflix show is, you can get bored of binge-watching.


Giving yourself time to relax is extremely important, so here are ten creative ways to relax that don’t involve a screen.


5 Ways to Relax Without Technology


When you’re sick of staring at a screen, try out one of these relaxing activities instead.


1. Creative Writing


When was the last time you wrote something for fun?


Take yourself back to your primary school days and try out a creative writing exercise.


Let your imagination run wild, and don’t judge yourself on the quality of your writing – let it be fun.


Here are some creative writing prompts to get you started:


  • Write a short story about a time traveller. What period of time would they go back to? Who would they meet? Would they tell anyone they were from the future?
  • Explore a world where dreams could come true. What’s a dream you had recently that you’d like to visit? What would you do?
  • Create a character who would explore a haunted house. Do they believe in ghosts? Are they looking to solve unresolved mysteries? Describe a haunted house they would enter, and think about what would happen once they were inside.
  • Think about your favourite book – and imagine a reader got sucked into it. What would they think of the book’s world? Is it the same as our world, or different?


2. Photographing Mindful Moments


Okay, this one does involve a screen – but not in the way you’d typically use one.


Using your phone, or even a digital camera, go outside and take pictures of your surroundings.


What catches your eye? Snap a picture to remember it.


Remember to use your other senses as well – if you hear wind blowing through trees, how can you capture it in a picture?


3. Dance it Out


If you’re a Grey’s Anatomy fan, you’ll know this one: Dancing it Out.


Put on your favourite playlist and dance freely to whatever song comes on – let yourself move without overthinking it.


(Bonus points if you sing into your hairbrush while you’re at it.)


4. Colouring


Adult colouring books got popular for a reason – and if you haven’t tried them out yet, it’s worth it to give them a try.


If you don’t feel like buying a whole book, there are plenty of free sheets you can print off online.


You can even make your own template:

  • Grab a black marker and place the tip on a piece of paper
  • Move the marker all around the page, never lifting it until you come back to your original starting point
  • Fill in all of the shapes you’ve created with different colours.


5. Spring (or Whatever Season You’re In) Cleaning


You might find cleaning relaxing, or might dread it.


Either way, refreshing your living space can end up being really calming.


If you’re having trouble cleaning up, try putting on a pair of running shoes – this hack can help you feel more energized while cleaning.


Next Steps for Managing Stress


After reading this article, you know five new ways to unwind.


But if you’re facing high amounts of stress every day, speaking to a therapist can help.


Here at KMA Therapy, our team has been helping our clients manage their stress for over 14 years. We’re here to help you learn stress management strategies that work for you.


Book an appointment today or reach out to our team if you have any questions.


If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, check out these articles to keep learning:


Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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