7 Pre-Marital Therapists In Toronto

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June 28, 2024

7 Pre-Marital Therapists In Toronto

Congratulations! The big day is almost here. 

You are planning out every detail of your beautiful wedding and are super excited to start a new life together. But as the day inches closer, you’re wondering if you've talked enough about the important stuff – money, future plans, family – and questioning yourself whether you are ready to handle this big step together or not…

Well…that's where pre-marital therapy comes in. 

It’s a safe space to discuss all those crucial topics and ensure you’re both heading into marriage with your eyes wide open and your hearts fully aligned. However, finding the right therapist for pre-martial concerns in a city as big as Toronto can be daunting. With so many options, how do you know who fits you best? Don’t worry! Here at KMA Therapy, we’ve done all the legwork for you. 

We’ve researched and found the top 7 pre-marital therapists in Toronto, each with an outstanding reputation for helping couples build solid marriage foundations. So, let’s jump in and introduce you to these amazing professionals.

7 Top-Rated Pre-Marital Therapists in Toronto

#1 Ellis Nicolson - Ellis Nicolson & Associates

Website: https://www.ellisnicolson.com/

About: Ellis Nicolson is a registered pre-marital therapist in Toronto with over 20 years of experience in private practice. He focuses on helping couples, families, and individuals deepen their emotional connections and improve their relationships. Specialising in relationships, he and his team have received advanced training in Emotionally Focused Therapy, known for effectively reducing marital distress and fostering enduring emotional bonds. His primary objective is to support clients in personal growth, encouraging them to cultivate healthier emotional interactions within their relationships. 

Services: Individual and Couples

Availability: In-Person and Virtual

Pricing: Book an appointment to know pricing 

#2 Robin Shereck - KMA Therapy 

Website: https://www.kmatherapy.com/

About: Robin is one of our compassionate pre-marital therapists in Toronto. With 8 years of experience in community, hospital, and private settings, Robin has supported clients navigating relationship issues. Her approach integrates trauma-informed and anti-oppressive principles, ensuring a supportive environment for exploring relationship dynamics, enhancing communication, resolving conflicts, and aligning expectations and values. Robin emphasises building trust, fostering genuine connections, and promoting effective communication to help couples develop a strong foundation for their future together. She helps couples in: 

  • Relationship assessment and strengths evaluation.
  • Communication skills enhancement.
  • Conflict resolution strategies.
  • Expectations, goals, and values exploration.
  • Premarital education on marriage challenges.
  • Coping strategies for stress and transitions.
  • Customised counselling for relationship goals.

Services: Individual, Couple, and Family

Availability: In-person and Virtual


  • Initial session cost: $190
  • Follow-up sessions cost: $245

#3 Rana Khan - The Rana Khan

Website: https://www.ranakhancft.com/couples-therapy

About: Rana Khan specialises in helping couples prepare for marriage through her pre-marital services. She believes working on a relationship is important before issues become serious. Rana focuses on improving communication and connections, resolving conflicts, and building commitment early on. Her approach is direct and collaborative, where she helps couples understand their relationship patterns and meet each other's emotional needs. Rana also guides couples in navigating challenges like cultural differences and family dynamics. She aims to equip couples with the skills to build a long-lasting marriage.

Services: Individual, Couple, and Family counselling

Availability: In-person and Virtual

Pricing: Book an appointment to learn more about the pricing structure

#4 Hannah Esmaili - Counselling2Wellness 

Website: https://www.counselling2wellness.com/

About: Hannah Esmaili, the founder of C2W is a skilled social worker and psychotherapist with 12 years of experience. Hannah specialises in resolving marital conflicts and addressing various forms of marital distress. Her approach focuses on pre-marital therapy, helping couples prepare for a strong and healthy marriage. She works with couples to improve communication, understand each other's needs, and develop strategies to handle potential challenges. If you are looking to strengthen your relationship before marriage, Hannah Esmaili offers the expertise and support needed to build a solid foundation for your future together.

Services: Individual, Couple, and Family relationship counselling

Availability: In-person and Virtual


  • Free 20-minute initial phone call consultation!
  • Follow-up consultations: $150-300 (depending on your session time)

#5 Lisa M Kelly - Lisa M Kelly

Website: https://www.lisamkelly.com/

About: Lisa M Kelly is dedicated to providing pre-marital couple therapy services that help couples build a strong foundation for their future together. With her expertise in relationship counselling, Lisa assists couples in developing the necessary skills to navigate their relationship effectively and deepen their connection. Lisa focuses on helping couples improve their communication and relational skills before marriage. She believes couples can create a more intimate and fulfilling relationship by addressing potential issues early on. Lisa's approach includes helping couples identify their love languages, establish rituals of connection, and create a shared vision for their relationship. 

Services: Individual and couple therapy

Availability: In-person and Virtual


  • Free phone consultation!
  • Individual and Couples therapy: $145-328 (depending on your session time)

#6 Anne Marie Shewfelt - MFT Toronto

Website: https://www.mfttoronto.ca/

About: Anne Marie Shewfelt is a dedicated and compassionate Registered Pre-marital & Family Therapist. With an emotionally safe, non-judgmental, and relational approach, she creates a supportive environment for couples to share their stories, circumstances, and life experiences. Anne Marie’s relationship expertise allows her to work effectively with clients, addressing the emotional impact of relationships, which is often at the root of many issues. Her speciality in relationships enables her to confidently guide couples through pre-marital counselling, helping them to build solid and healthy foundations for their future together. 

Services: Individual, Couple, Marriage, and Family 

Availability: In-person and Virtual


  • 15 minutes of Free phone consultation!
  • Individual Sessions: $150

#7 Claire Silvester - Therapy and Tea

Website: https://www.therapytea.ca/

About: Claire Silvester offers specialised pre-marital services to help couples build a strong and healthy foundation for their future together. Understanding that the journey to marriage can be exciting and challenging, Claire provides a safe and supportive environment where couples can openly discuss their hopes, fears, and expectations. Her pre-marital services cover a wide range of topics crucial for a successful marriage, including communication skills, conflict resolution, financial planning, intimacy and sexuality, family dynamics, and life goals and values. 

Services: Individual and Couple

Availability: In-person and Virtual


  • 20-minute free phone call consultation!
  • Individual Sessions: $140
  • Couple Sessions: $190

How is Pre-Marital Counseling Different from Marriage Counseling?

Pre-marital counselling and marriage counselling have a lot in common. Both aim to help couples clarify their values, address personal growth areas, and gain the insights and tools to manage differences and conflicts effectively. The goal is to build a connected and thriving relationship. 

However, there are some key differences between the two.


Pre-Marital Counseling

Couples seeking pre-marital counselling in Toronto are usually focused on preparing for their future together. They want to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to deal with the challenges of married life. This type of counselling is proactive, helping couples to set a strong foundation for their relationship.

Marriage Counseling

On the other hand, couples who seek marriage counselling are typically looking to repair or revive their relationship. This could be due to ongoing conflicts, communication issues, or a sense of disconnect. Marriage counselling is more about addressing existing problems and improving the relationship.

Focus Areas🧐

Pre-Marital Counseling

  • Communication Skills: Learning effective ways to talk and listen to each other.
  • Conflict Resolution: Strategies to handle disagreements without damaging the relationship.
  • Expectations and Goals: Discussing future plans, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Financial Planning: Managing money together and planning for the future.

Marriage Counseling

  • Resolving Specific Issues: Addressing current conflicts or recurring problems.
  • Rebuilding Trust: Working through issues like infidelity or breaches of trust.
  • Improving Intimacy: Enhancing emotional and physical closeness.
  • Strengthening Connection: Finding ways to reconnect and rekindle the relationship.


Pre-Marital Counseling

This couples therapy typically happens before the wedding, during the engagement period. It's about preparation and prevention, ensuring the couple is ready for the commitment they are about to make.

Marriage Counseling

This couples therapy occurs at any stage of a marriage. Whether it's a newlywed phase or decades into the relationship, marriage counselling helps couples at various points in their journey together.

How Does Pre-Marital Therapy Benefits Engaged Couples?

Pre-marital therapy in Toronto is like a relationship tune-up before you start your journey together as a married couple. It helps you build a strong foundation for your future. Here’s how:

1. Better Communication🗣️

Think of pre-marital therapy as a crash course in how to talk to each other. It’s not just about chit-chat but getting to the heart of your feelings. You learn to share your thoughts and emotions without yelling or getting defensive. This skill is gold because it helps you understand each other better and keeps minor issues from turning into big fights.

2. Understanding Each Other’s Backgrounds 👩❤️👨

You both come from different worlds – different families, traditions, and ways of doing things. Getting pre-marital therapy in Toronto helps you dig into these backgrounds and see how they shape your views on important stuff like money, kids, and chores. 

By understanding where the other person is coming from, you can avoid misunderstandings and respect each other’s perspectives.

3. Setting Expectations😇

Imagine going on a road trip without agreeing on the destination. You’d end up lost and frustrated, right? 

Pre-marital counselling in Toronto is like planning that trip together. You talk about what you want from life and your marriage – who does what around the house, how you handle finances, where you see yourselves in five years. Setting these expectations upfront helps you avoid nasty surprises later.

4. Conflict Resolution🫂

Every couple argues, but how you handle those arguments matters. Pre-marital therapy gives you tools to fight fairly. Instead of shouting or shutting down, you learn to listen, compromise, and solve problems together. It’s about turning disagreements into opportunities to grow closer rather than drift apart.

5. Deepening Your Connection🥰

Pre-marital therapy isn’t just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about improving the good stuff. You get to explore what makes your relationship strong and find new ways to support and appreciate each other. It’s like adding layers of love and understanding to your relationship, making it richer and deeper.

6. Building Trust💝

Trust is like the glue that holds your relationship together. 

In pre-marital therapy, you learn to build and maintain that trust by being honest and open. You discuss your fears and insecurities, which helps you understand each other more deeply. This makes your relationship rock-solid because you know you can rely on each other.

7. Preparing for the Future🔮

Marriage isn’t just a one-day party; it’s a lifelong journey with ups and downs.

Pre-marital counselling in Toronto helps you prepare for this adventure. You talk about your dreams, fears, and how you’ll handle life’s challenges together. It’s like packing all the right gear for a long hike – you feel ready and confident to face whatever comes your way.

8. Emotional Support 💞

Planning a wedding and combining two lives is exciting but also stressful. Pre-marital therapy provides a safe space to talk about your worries and get reassurance. It’s like having a coach who cheers you on and helps you feel confident that you’re making the right decision. This emotional support is crucial for a smooth transition into married life.

Considering pre-marital therapy in Toronto, but unsure how it could benefit your relationship? 

We at KMA Therapy provide pre-marital counselling in Toronto. Whether you're seeking better communication, conflict resolution skills, or a deeper connection, our expert counsellors are here to guide you. 

How to Know When to Start Pre-Marital Counseling?

So…when should you begin pre-marital counselling? There's no definitive answer. Some suggest starting as soon as you get engaged. Others think a few weeks before the wedding is enough. Some even believe you should start when you first consider marriage. Many recommend starting 3-6 months before the wedding, with sessions lasting about two hours each.

However, you might want to start sooner if you're facing any of the following issues.

You Don’t Communicate Well🗣️

Many couples struggle with communication. Pre-marital counselling can teach you how to communicate positively and healthily. You'll practice communication exercises to help you handle disagreements without hurting each other.

You Fight About Money💸

Money is a common source of conflict. Premarital counselling helps you set financial expectations and discuss important topics like bank accounts, bills, work, financial goals, and savings. A therapist can help guide these tough conversations in a safe space.

You Fight Over Your Families👪

When you marry, you marry each other's families too. Pre-marital counselling can help you navigate family issues. Prepare by listing the positives and negatives of your family interactions. Discuss these with your partner during sessions, with the therapist guiding you to reach your goals. Remember, you can control your responses, not others' actions.

You Have Trust Issues👥

Trust is fragile and complex to rebuild once broken. Pre-marital counselling can help you learn trust-building activities and identify patterns that affect trust in your relationship.

You Have Cultural and/or Religious Differences🧕

Cultural or religious differences can be challenging but not impossible to overcome. Counselling can help you respect and understand each other's beliefs and practices. These issues may require more sessions to resolve.

You Have Anxiety About Getting Married👰

Many people feel anxious about marriage due to various reasons, such as commitment issues or a lack of positive role models. Pre-marital counselling can help you change your perspective and reduce anxiety.

You Have Different Opinions About Children🫄

If you and your partner disagree about having children or how many to have, counselling can help you navigate these tough conversations. A therapist can mediate the process to help you find a resolution.

Invest In a Pre-Marital Therapist Today For a Lifetime Of Happiness!

Pre-marital therapy offers invaluable benefits for engaged couples, helping them prepare for a successful marriage by addressing key areas such as communication, conflict resolution, and future planning. Moreover, by engaging in pre-marital counselling, couples can build a solid foundation for their relationship.

At KMA Therapy, we know planning a wedding is exciting but can also be stressful. As you prepare for your big day, it’s important to make sure you and your partner are ready for the future. Our top-rated pre-marital therapists in Toronto are here to help. We’ll guide you through important talks about money, family, future plans, and handling disagreements. Book your appointment today and start your marriage with confidence.

Author |
Furqan Javed
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